In the world of anime – manga, we can find a lot of interesting languages coming from otaku.
So what does waifu mean?
Accordingly, waifu is a term to describe a girl that viewers have special feelings for in the 2D world.
Then, the term `waifu` became popular in the anime – manga community in the second half of the 2000s, when members of large forums in the community continuously created humorous images or sentences.
In addition to waifu, we also have other variations such as the male version – husbando, inspired by husband (husband) or bossu – inspired by boss (boss).
Why is Waifu culture so popular?
Nowadays, 2D girls in anime – manga are becoming more and more popular.
This, whether unintentional or intentional, has struck a chord with the masses, especially men.
These beauties coming out of comics not only bring entertainment, but also bring passion and desire that those beautiful 2D girls are their wives – waifu.
How famous is Waifu culture in Vietnam and the world?
Beginning to appear in 2006 – 2007, the phrase Waifu has now become more popular than ever.
Basically, everyone has a different opinion about Waifu, whether they watch anime or manga or not.
This article was produced with the help of MangaK.